วันเสาร์ที่ 14 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Stussy World Tour - Geoff McFetridge

Here's a clip featuring Geoff McFetridge from the Stussy World Tour movie that was released in 2006. This project featured over 40 artists who were invited to do their rendition of the classic Stussy World Tour t-shirt. Please visit www.Stussy.com/​features/​stussy-world-tour for more details. Click here www.stussy.com/​newsletter.php to stay up to date on other Stussy releases.

Keywords: stussy, stussy world tour, Geoff mcfetridge, stussy geoff mcfetridge, art, artist, graphic artist, graphic design, fashion, streetwear, clothing, t-shirt, designer

Source: New Era

