The image of an entrepreneur is being altered when one observes Phillip T. Annand , as this Rutgers University student sets the pace for progress for youths today . Annand is the brain behind the brand The Award Tour . The brand is a filtered take on American lifestyle classics, with an urban twist. Annand is a different breed of street wear designer, combining his aesthetic vision with a clear business acumen. An extension to the brand is The Good Times blog, which gives a personal touch to the brand. The blog details the inspirations and adventures of Annand and his comrades. This young man of Scottish and Haitian decent has gotten the attention of creative notables and his credibility is highlighted as a contributor on the popular street wear lifestyle site , Hypebeast . Annand is one to watch for, as this American Studies student seems certain of his future. His current venture is The Madbury Club, a soon to be unveiled online publication, a result of his dissatisfaction of the current offerings of online zines on the web. With his tag line "Stay Safe", Annand's recent efforts ( Relief Beanies , Haiti Relief Tee Project... ) to help with the devastating aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti is a testament to the compassion that is threaded in Annand's fiber. Be sure to visit The Award Tour store to show much needed support for the survivors in Haiti. PS Visit the STREET | TALK website for a chance to win a Va$htie Violette V81 Tee Shirt!
Keywords: The Madbury Club, The Award Tour, Street Wear, Tyler the creator, OFWGKTA, New York, New Jersey, Hypebeast, Fashion, Los Angeles, Haiti, The Good Times Blog
Source: New Era