วันศุกร์ที่ 25 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Official "ENDLESS wAIR" Commercial ∞

www.endless-wair.de http www.facebook.com www.dizee-ptp.fr Endless wAir was established in 2012. Our fashion is designed for the rock stars of urban arts and culture, our legacy is the link between fashion and street wear. By adding a high-end brand to the world of urban fashion, we strive to reach artists all over the World, creating Endless wAir for those who share our vision. AirDit world-renowned B-Boy and the initiator and CEO realised that casual wear did not neccesarily suit dance. He liked to wear fashionable and cool shirts , and started to dance also with various styles of shirts and clothing made by other manufacturers. Through his experience as a dancer, AirDit has an understanding for the need of loose-fitting clothing with a smooth non chafing touch to the skin. Durability of the material and movement whilst wearing the clothes are important aspects for the right feeling when dancing, DJing, tricking, skating, clubbing, etc. To find all the required qualities in one shirt, AirDit founded the label Endless wAir, distinguished by timeless design and high functionality. CEO - Ardit Gjikaj www.facebook.com Music by Pretty Lights - Forever Lost Camera Work - Rauf Yasit aka RubberLegz www.facebook.com - Salar Kheradpejouh www.facebook.com - Jam Va Doneworks www.youtube.com Editing - Rauf Yasit aka RubberLegz www.youtube.com Dancers: - Rubberlegz www.facebook.com - Lil G www.facebook.com - SalaJin www.facebook.com - Flockey www.facebook.com - Robozeee www.facebook ...

Tags: Endless wair, endless, wair, airdit, ardit gjikaj, albi, lil g, lilg, rubberlegz, rauf yasit, robo zee, two face, parick williams, kid eyes, big wave, liveness, kidmaddrip, kofie da vibe, twinstrech, d nice, dnice, flockey, robin preston, stev bonhage, lil amok, salajin, salar kheradpejouh, ben nizou, bgirl katja, katja, tnt crew, consum, hpz stiftung, weltkunstzimmer, tanzhaus nrw, bertram müller, theater oberhausen., Dance, Break, Battle, Popping, Dancing, ∞

Source: New Era

