วันจันทร์ที่ 22 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Inside The Fire "The Fashion Show 'Part 2

Part 2 in series fashion. Franck Onouviet manager gives you a taste of the event with designer Kimathi Jamhuri Wear. Charity fashion show held April 23 2009 Riverside Church of the Immaculate Ballroom in New York on behalf of Millennium Promise organization out of the poverty program. It was held by the Union of African students at City College of New York. The idea behind the show was "New Kids on the Block", the introduction of African culture and hybridFaces from the nearest border. The arrival of Africa in the global world market - the aircraft has landed. Jamhuri Wear offered a foretaste of the long-awaited successor to the rich collection. All families have a rich history and a comb. Many thanks to all models, talent, guests and especially the organizers who have worked hard to put together this show to benefit a good cause - congratulations.

Keywords: Jamhuri, Wear, Fashion, Show, Franck Onouviet, Riverside Church, kimathi, african, apparel, New, York, street

Source: New Era

